Editing for Art & Enjoyment

Editing for Art & Enjoyment


Thoughts on editing

I think editing is about learning and growing and finding what sounds most true or compelling. Depending on what is offered or available in a particular poem or story, I ask myself (or am curious to learn) if I am being spoken to, spoken over, am I being told how to read something beautiful or mysterious, do I want more? More explained?

I love when you start to read (or watch!) something, anything, and there is a moment where a word or an image or phrase says to the reader (and editor!) step this way. The way you feel if your friends or family can tell a good story. Is there a path in the forest and is it introduced or pointed out with a flourish or a mushroom? (Mushroom meaning in a quieter way.)

What is unfolding/what’s next is an adventure, editing is finding a different world and admiring the skill, passion, handwork, bravery, etc., of the human who took you there. And I think this is why I like running workshops, because it’s important to look for what speaks to you before you look for what you would do or how you would fix something—it’s nice to spend a minute with what’s on the page, mindfulness in letters, and go from there.

City Hall photograph 2022 by Marlys West

Two years ago I participated in a wonderful art collaborative called, Telephone, and I look forward to that now and for the future. I highly recommend you take a look at their most recent work. Here’s my page on that site and the connections and collaborations (and readings) really do represent an incredible number of very thoughtful humans.

Public Readings

Public Readings